Friday, January 28, 2011

Second post it's been a little while

Hello all!

Sorry it's been a little while since my last post, life has been keeping me busy. Not like I do a whole lot but, I feel like I am busy. We took Ali to the pediatrician today she has a ear infection in her right ear and an upper respiratory infection, but in such a good mood! She is almost 29 pounds, finally!! She was happy to get stickers at the doctors office, and of course while we were there we had to check out the bathroom, since being potty trained in October we have to check out every bathroom everywhere! LOL After the doctor, we went to Sams, then ate at Taco Bell/Pizza Hut, got her prescription filled, and it was free but we had to pay for the flavoring? WTF! Oh well, then we went and saw Grandma and Grandpa Eschmann since they are finally home from Florida! They brought Ali back Mickey Mouse ears (like goldfish), a Cinderella doll and Cinderella nightgown. She is now finally taking a nap!

Tomorrow I am excited we are going to the Magic House, Kevin has never been!!! I am so excited! I love having family days!!! Sunday we are going to check out the SPPS pre-school program, yes can you believe pre-school already! YIKES!! My baby is no longer a baby!!!

Well that's all for now, have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here it goes....

Welcome to our blog!!! I have had a few blogs before, I think I started our first one when I got pregnant with Ali, then that site eventually shut down, I then went and created a shutterfly site, not sure what ever happened with that. But for a while now I have gotten hooked on a few blogs, I used to read them daily, until work blocked the internet! How rude!!! I do try to keep up with my cousin Cassie's Blog, and a few money saving ones, but seriously who has the time, when you are a wife, a mother, work full time, your a maid, and just about anything else can fit into my title. :)

Maybe I should start off by saying, Hello, I'm Jessica most people refer to me as Jess or Jessica, or Jessi, if you ever refer to me as Jessi please lord spell it correctly! Hello it's J-E-S-S-I!!! Thank you!! Anyway, I am married to my wonderful husband Kevin, we met in 2001, he was in a Rock band (HOTT), and we were married in 2004 literally just 2 weeks after I turned 21. In July 2008 we welcomed our daughter Ali Marie into the world, and life has been a non stop adventure ever since!

This coming year in 2011 we have a lot planned and in store for us. Ali and I are in my cousin Bryan and his fiance Jamie's wedding (she is one of my BFF's), that is in October but we gotta plan and save now! In July we will go to Virginia Beach for Vacation, as Kevin has to go to the Stihl facility for Erb Equipment for 2 days so we will make a week out of it. July we also have Ali's 3rd birthday coming up and yep I am already trying to plan it! I want my house to be uber organized, we are getting there on some aspects. I am cooking more from scratch and less of everything being boxed and processed, in turn that helps me with weight loss, um yeah almost 3 years later and I am still trying to lose the baby weight! LOL I am also trying to exercise more, although I hate my treadmill, don't have time for the gym, nor do I want the added expense, um anyone have an elliptical they no longer want? LOL Anyway, we or I should say I want to turn our office into a complete room, anyone who has ever been to our house knows that when you go to the bathroom you have to walk through the office, oh yeah I should mention our house was built in like 1927 and you can run around the house in a circle if you really wanted, yeah I want the office to be closed off. There are many other things I have as "resolutions" for this new year, but for now they have seemed to slip my mind.

I'm sure I won't post daily as some do, but I hope to post at least a few times a week, eh, probably the more I post the more I am sure you will think I have a boring life, but that's ok. Until next time....